Elections 2019: The Cámpora will fight the intentions and the provinces


There are only nine municipal candidates in Buenos Aires, but the group wants to govern Mendoza and the capital Source: archive

Twelve years after its foundation,

The campora

will face

the next elections

with opportunities to expand its presence to leadership positions, particularly at the municipal level, although some group leaders aspire to be governors.

Indeed, Anabel Fernández Sagasti had already registered on June 9 at the PASO of the PJ for the governorship of Mendoza, now in power of the radical Alfredo Cornejo. Senator de La Cámpora will face Alejandro Bermejo, current mayor of the city of Maipú, who has the support of the PJ and another sector of Kirchnerism.

Although he has not yet registered his candidacy, Mariano Recalde will once again fight for the head of the federal capital government in unified elections with the presidential elections. The big question is whether Axel Kicillof will be a candidate in the province of Buenos Aires.

The two current municipal leaders of La Cámpora, Walter Vuoto (Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego) and Juan Ustarroz (Mercedes, Province of Buenos Aires), will be re-elected, while ten other members of the organization that directs

Máximo Kirchner

they will be candidates to the intendant, the vast majority in the territory of Buenos Aires. "It's a stage of maturing strength," said a La Campora executive who hopes that a candidacy from Cristina Kirchner will spur the rest of the nominations.

One of the candidates that generates the most internal expectations is that of Luciano di Nápoli, field player who will compete for the stewardship of Santa Rosa, capital of La Pampa, May 19. Di Napoli, former provincial, won in front of the deputy of PJ Jorge Lezcano, detained by the Governor Carlos Verna (PJ), the detainees of the Justicialist Front. The leader of La Campora will go to the poll led by Sergio Ziliotto, elected by the president as successor, and will face the current mayor, radical Leandro Altolaguirre.

If Di Nápoli were to win, La Cámpora could govern two of the 23 provincial capitals, provided Vuoto retains the intention of Ushuaia in the June 16 elections. In the previous one, the candidate of the Fueguina unit appears as favorite. The commune chief has reached an agreement with governor Pana, governor Rosana Bertone, who will fight for her re-election.

In Tierra del Fuego, there is an atypical case. The two main government candidates are supported by a sector in Kirchner. In addition to La Campora, on the front led by Bertone, are Kolina and the Victory Party, two of the forces that make up the citizen unity nationwide. On the opposite sidewalk, Nuevo Encuentro and Leopoldo Moreau's National Alfonsinist Movement (MNA) are promoting the candidacy to the governor of Gustavo Melella, leader of Forja and current mayor of Rio Grande, the most populous city in the province.

The appointment of Melella, who heads a front with the Movimiento Popular Fueguino (Mopof), opened the estate in Rio Grande, where Martín Pérez, another leader of La Cámpora, will face the candidate of the municipal government, Analía Cubinos. .

Never against the PC

The group that has secretary general Andrés "Cuervo" Larroque will have nine candidates for mayor of the province of Buenos Aires. In any case, they are municipalities governed by Cambiemos, the Renovador Front or the local forces. The Campora will not be confronted with the communal leaders of the PJ.

Behind Ustarroz, who will run for reelection of Mercedes, the highest hopes of victory are tabled by MP Mayra Mendoza, member of the national office of La Cámpora and candidate in Quilmes, where the head of the local community, Martiniano Molina (Change ), will go for re-election. To compete in October, Mendoza must win his first victory in the internal battle of Peronism against the former Francisco "Barba" Gutiérrez.

Fernanda Raverta, already launched in Mar del Plata, will also fight for a large municipality. The list is completed by Gervasio Bozzano (Maipú), Martín Carnaghi (Chacabuco), Constanza Alonso (Chivilcoy), Cecilia Comerio (San Nicolás), Marina Moretti (San Andrés de Giles) and Federico Aguilera (Olavarría).

The names that motivate the grouping of maximum Kirchner

The Cámpora governs two municipalities today, but seeks to add provinces and cities from the hand of Cristina Kirchner

Anabel Fernández Sagasti (Senator Uc-Mendoza)

  • The national senator wants to challenge the governance of Mendoza. Previously, he will have to overcome in the PASO of Peronism to the steward of Maipú, Alejandro Bermejo.

Mariano Recalde (MP UC-CABA)

  • He will face Rodríguez Larreta in the city. With the unified elections, their expectations go through the delay of the presidential vote of Cristina Kirchner.

Luciano Di Nápoli (former MP for La Pampa)

  • He defeated the candidate of the governor Carlos Verna (PJ) at the PASO for the municipality of Santa Rosa. He will face the radical mayor Leandro Altolaguirre.

Mayra Mendoza (Alternate UC-Buenos Aires)

  • It's the group's challenge to face Martiniano Molina (Pro) in Quilmes. Before it must expire in the PASO to the Francisco Francisco Gutiérrez.

Fernanda Raverta (Alternate UC-Buenos Aires)

  • Although they remain definitions in the district, the thickness of the groups of Kirchnerismo and the PJ postulates to Raverta for the purpose of Mar del Plata.


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