Boeing acknowledged that the tragedy of Lion Air could have been avoided | Chronic


The failures of the Boeing 737 MAX pilot warning system were identified a year prior to the Lion Air tragedy. This was acknowledged by the company itself, although it claimed that management was aware of the report submitted by the engineers who had registered the failure only after what had happened in the past. Indonesia.

"In 2017, several months after the delivery of the 737 MAX began, Boeing engineers had verified that the 737 MAX display system did not respond properly to AOA sensor alert requirements," the group explained in a statement. These alerts are designed to warn drivers of anomalies.

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The business of the victims of the plane.

At the time of the Lion Air accident, which caused 189 deaths at the end of October, the AOA probe, which had been damaged, continued to report erroneous data to the aircraft's stabilization system. Device, the MCAS. The latter, as originally planned, took control of the flight and put the plane in free fall. Although the pilots tried to do the opposite, the tragedy could not be avoided.

Boeing pointed out that an inspection conducted by engineers and senior officials of the company did not conclude that this flaw "could have a negative impact on the safety of the aircraft". The entire 737 MAX fleet has been immobilized since mid-March, following the crash of such an Ethiopian Airlines aircraft, which caused the death of 157 people on the 10th of this month. The company is currently working on updating the MCAS so that the airline authorities will allow the 737 MAX to fly again.

The company admitted that a pre-tragedy report warned of the failures of the Boeing 737 Max system, although the authorities became aware of the document after the plane crashed.


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