The government has regulated the use of electric taser guns


The government has approved and published the regulation concerning the use of non-lethal electric weapons in the name of the forces. The measure is contained in Resolution 395/2019 in the Official Journal and was prepared by the Ministry of Security, led by Patricia Bullrich Five months ago, the government announced the purchase of 300 tasers, which would be used initially to combat insecurity in railway stations and airports.

The decree states, among the recitals, that "the National Law on Weapons and Explosives determines that electronic weapons that produce only temporary effects on the human organism without causing loss of knowledge are comprehensively envisaged. in the category "weapons and ammunition for civilian use" ".

It further determines that "the incorporation of non-lethal electronic weapons will make it possible to deal with operational situations in which it is necessary the use of force without the use of firearms, be an intermediate means of exercising a rational and progressive use of force in situations of confrontation with violent or threatening persons, by providing to the Federal Police and the security forces an additional tactical option in replacement of firearms ".

From the agency responsible for Bullrich, they had explained that in principle, they would be used in airports and train stations. The resolution indicates that they can be used when other non-violent means are ineffective, in the following cases: arresting, arresting or preventing the escape of those who pose an imminent risk of injuring others or injuring themselves; when self-defense or that of third parties is to be exercised; prevent the commission of a crime of public action.

Only non-lethal electronic weapons can be used by federal police and security forces who: have been specially educated for their use, after receiving the specific training. The resolution states that "they must be identified as such aloud, warning of their immediate intervention, unless it is likely to cause injury to others, or that it is manifestly inappropriate or inappropriate. unnecessary given the circumstances of the case ".

The text states that we will consider that there is an "imminent danger" When threatening behaviors endanger the physical integrity of the agent or third party, when violent behavior indicates the imminence of an attack against the agent or third parties, when the number of badailants or the unpredictability of the badault used materially hinders the completion of homework, or the ability to exercise self-defense or that of third parties.

The 4 security forces are allowed to use non-lethal electronic weapons, but the first to use them will be the federal police and the airport security police.
This has been confirmed by the chief of staff of Patricia Bullrich (

– TN – Todo Noticias (@todonoticias) May 7, 2019

The Ministry of Security has stated that "international regulations and doctrine reflect the results obtained in the context of medical and technical studies conducted in prestigious universities" and conclude that "the use of" Electronic weapons do not have a deadly effect on people ". The agency recalled that the security forces of countries such as Germany, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Canada, Spain, Finland, France, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Sweden, Chile, Colombia, Brazil and Bolivia use this type of weapons.

The resolution that governs the use of taser guns


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