A new IMF mission arrives tomorrow in Argentina


The team will be led by the Italian Roberto Cardarelli During the mission, he will meet with government officials and the Central Bank, as well as representatives of the private sector, academia and civil society. During the previous visit, he had met pre-candidates with the opposition president and the trade union centers.

It has also been announced that Alejandro Werner, Director of the IMF's Western Hemisphere Department, will join part of the mission, "As was the case on other occasions", They clarified.

The mission will gather economic information and monitor the progress of the agreement. It should be recalled that the most important recent decision has been the IMF's approval of the national government to intervene in the market in the event of an exchange rate exchange.

At the technical line and even to the owner of the fund itself Christine Lagarde he was not convinced to use the loan funds so that the central bank could intervene in case of leakage.

According to comments at Casa Rosada, the rejection of this change required lengthy discussions between the economic team and the authorities of the organization, including telephone dialogues between the president and the president. Macri with Lagarde.

Finally, the Central Bank was able to intervene between the bands that set a minimum and maximum value, which allowed to calm a little the situation.

One of the topics that will surely go into the IMF's mission is the collection of taxes that the recession does not capture enough.this explains the rise in the recently agreed import rate.

The issue of inflation will be one of the points that will be badyzed with particular attention, as well as the progress – or not – of the call for an agreement guaranteed by the opposition of A certain consensus, especially called to honor the debt.

In this sense, almost all candidates have expressed in public and in private their vocation to continue to pay the bonds. In addition, during his previous visit, the IMF mission had admitted that a future renegotiation for 2020.


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