The ONE game has clarified a fundamental rule that nobody knows – ADNSur


End of mystery and controversy

It's one of the most controversial movements of the game.

FEDERAL CAPITAL – Since its establishment in 1971 in the United States, the UN has become one of the most famous card games of all time. This expansion was particularly enhanced when it was acquired by Mattel in 1992.

But this mbadiveness has allowed players in each country to play the UN according to their own rules. Thus, many different versions and types of the UN have been created.

Therefore, the official Twitter account should clarify some basic points about the most controversial movements of the game: what to do after receiving a flight card, ie +2 and +4 cards.

The company in charge of the card game confirmed via Twitter that a popular – and accepted – movement practiced by many people is actually against the rules.

"If someone puts a card +4, you have to draw four cards and pbad your turn, you can not put a card +2 to take for the next person.We know you tried," writes the company . In this way, this strategy was illegal all the time.

According to this, the cards can not be stacked and when someone throws one of these two cards, the following must take the amount of the game pack and lose his turn.

The tweet of the company has become viral, achieving nearly 50,000 retweets and 60,000 tastes. A precision which, although appealing to the legality, was not taken very well in the networks because it puts an end to a common movement and which pleased the players.


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