On an unstable wheel, the dollar closed almost stable at $ 46.33 (BCRA intervened on futures and approved a further rate cut)


The note has not become fully compatible with the free and open exchange market (MULC), where The currency has ended with a drop of 23 cents to $ 45.10.

The North American currency has had its ups and downs in a changing development wheel. The maximum value, in this sense, was recorded at 44.35 USD, two cents more than the previous one, an end that could not be maintained by the immediate appearance of orders that quickly lowered the price.

Revenues forced losses that allowed him to break through the $ 45 floor until he reached a minimum of $ 44.95 during the first half of the session. Demand response altered the trend of weakness with increases that once again brought the dollar above $ 45 and maintained it to levels of $ 45.22.

During the last half-hour of operation, the official presence on the futures markets became visible, an action that helped reduce the rise and adjust values ​​to levels observed at closing.

"The domestic market has had its ups and downs and in an environment that required the official presence to correct the price changes in dollars when they threatened to exceed the level reached at the previous closing", said badyst Gustavo Quintana.

He pointed out that "the monetary authority's strategy once again consisted of futures market interventions with hedging positions to stimulate the disarmament of foreign positions and incomes. ".

The price of North American currency in the local market, added Quintana, "can not find a relative stability path yet, in a process affected by external and internal factors that generate sudden changes, preventing projections anticipating the level that the exchange rate could present in the coming days ".

Low rate

The Central Bank of the Argentine Republic (BCRA) validated a drop in Leliq rates of 36.7 basis points, ending on average at 72.875% for a total allocated of $ 225.410 million.

As a result of this transaction, a liquidity contraction of $ 38,955 million was generated.

Gabriel Caamaño, of Ledesma Consulting, said that "it was the largest absorption since April 17 (while the amount had risen to $ 51,788 million)". Thus, the Central Bank begins to set up the purpose of the monetary base of the month.

Another noteworthy fact is that until last May, the monetary authority had been defined by absorbing pesos in all offers, up to a total of $ 83,685.2 million.

In the first call of the day, the BCRA validated liquidity letters for seven days at an average judicial rate of 72,898% for an award of $ 192,838 million.

At the time of the second seven-day liquidity letters issued by BCRA, the amount allocated was $ 32,572 million, with an average cut rate of 72,739%, with a maximum rate of 72%. , 8190% and minimum bid 72,190%.

Similarly, the first auction for the account and the order of the National Treasury for an amount of $ 30 million ended with an average price of $ 45,0141 and a minimum price of $ 45,0110; and the second – for the same amount – with an average price of $ 45,158 and a minimum of $ 45,151.

Other markets

In the informal market, the blue has closed the stable at $ 46, according to the study of this media in the caves of downtown Buenos Aires. Meanwhile, the "contado con liqui" ended almost unchanged at $ 45.42.

In the money market between banks, the money from the call operated at 70%. In currency swaps, they have split 201 million USD to take and / or place funds in pesos, through buy-sell dollars on Thursday and Friday.

In the Rofex1,204 million US dollars were commissioned, 48% more than the day before.

"Throughout the day, BCRA appeared to be active, supplying the market, controlling expectations and eventually adjusting prices down, when the market began to recover," said badyst Fernando Izzo .

The shortest terms have concentrated more than 50% of the total traded. The final prices for these months, May and June, finally worked out at $ 46.80 and $ 49.00 (TNA of 59.82% and 59.55%). In October, with US $ 53 million accepted, the final amount was $ 58.45 (61.39% of the TNA). All prices showed declines of at least 30 cents.

Finally, The gross reserves of the BCRA fell from 166 million dollars Wednesday to 68.9760 million dollars.


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