United States revealed the list of winners of the 2020 Visa lottery


The shortlist receive 55,000 permanent legal residences drawn by the government of United StatesIt has already been published. The Visa Lottery, that every year give green cards to people without randomly selected documents it was revealed after receiving millions of requests.

L & # 39; penultimate lottery for the 2018 fiscal year made by the State Department 14,692,258 applications were received during the period of sending more than 34 days, from Wednesday, October 4, 2018 at noon to November 7, 2018 at noon.

But the Total applications included, adding to the dependents, a total of 23,088,613 competitors at the popular draw, according to the chain Univision. The list of winners has been published on the digital page of the State Department (DOS).

Until the 2012 draw the winners were notified by letter, until 2013, the State Department – to avoid uncertainty and make this contest popular a transparent print– activated an online tool allowing participants to enter the registration number (which is obtained at the time of sending the application). The system shares the shared system within seconds if you continue the race or lose the opportunity to win a permanent.

The National Visa Center of the State Department preselect 115,000 competitors registrants who must now continue with the basics of the contest. The 50,000 residences available divide among six geographical regions with a maximum of 7% available for people born in a single country.

The basics of the contest include an interview at the US Consulate. "During the interview, the candidates principal should provide proof of high school education or its equivalent, or demonstrate two years of work experience in an occupation requiring at least two years of training or experience in the last five years, "reads the regulation.

DOS said that short-listed candidates should act quickly in your visa applications immigrant and "follow the instructions in your notification letter and must complete all the information requested".

With regard to participants living in the United States, the government explained that those who wish to request an adjustment of their status should contact the Office of Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) "for information on requirements and procedures".

Once the total of 50,000 residences were used available for exercise, "the program will end", warns the regulation.

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