The fear is made after the new arrest warrant | Chronic


The former Brazilian president Michel Temer He was handed over Thursday to the San Pablo federal police following a capture request, in the event he is accused of ordering an illicit badociation that has raised at least $ 420 million in bribes and illegal financing of campaigns.

Temer had been arrested for four days last March, but had been released on a habeas corpus that had been canceled Wednesday night by the Rio de Janeiro appeal chamber, a move also involving the former officer from police. Joao Baptista Lima Filho, considered by the prosecution as a figurehead of the former president.

The 78-year-old politician, who ruled between 2016 and 2018 after the dismissal of Dilma Rousseff, of which he was vice-president, went on his way to the headquarters of the federal police of Sao Paulo, two hours before the expiry of an ultimatum issued by a judge under the threat of l & rsquo; Stop by the public force.

"I've always maintained that there was no evidence in this case, which is untenable"Temer told journalists standing guard at the door of their house in the Alto de Pinheiros neighborhood.

There were no demonstrators from the Brazilian Democracy Movement (MDB), which he had been leading for two decades, at the door of his residence, while his former ministers were present. Raúl Jungmann and the general José Etchegoyen, who could not see it because they were late.

Temer asked to go to San Pablo Prison and not to Rio de Janeiro as it happened the first time.

The decision of the Federal Court of the Second Region of Rio, which acts as a court of appeal and revoking the initial habeas corpus, was the subject of an appeal to the Court superior of justice, third criminal court.

The original cause is a branch of the Lava Jato operation, responsible for the federal judge in Rio de Janeiro Marcelo Bretaswho is considered a successor to the former magistrate Sérgio Moro, during this day, the Minister of Justice and Security of Jair Bolsonaro.

Moro is the one who imprisoned the former Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silvaopposition leader sentenced to 8 years and 10 months in prison and imprisoned since 7 April for corruption offenses.

Temer and Lima were arrested on March 21 with eight other people as part of the Operation Decontamination, accused of bribery, embezzlement, money laundering and conspiracy.
The former Minister of Mines and Energy and former governor of Rio had been arrested in the case, Wellington Moreira Franco.

The indictment of the prosecutor's office indicates that the group took bribes and overpriced contracts from the public company Eletronuclear with the construction company Engevix for deviations in the works of the company. Atomic factory Angra 3.

The Prosecution submits that Temer, Lima and other leaders of the MDB, party of the José Sarneythey have diverted $ 460 million over the past 40 years.

The former president of Brazil faces six lawsuits already committed by bribery. Temer's return to prison took place in the midst of a setback suffered by Moro and activists of the Lava Jato operation in Congress.

A committee of the Chamber of Deputies entrusted the Ministry of Moro with the control of the Strategic Controller of Financial Operations (COAF) that Bolsonaro had decreed at the beginning of his government and sent it back to the Ministry of Economy.

It was a message from the political clbad as a whole against Moro, who sees his weakened role in the Bolsonaro government against the Minister of the Economy, Paulo Guedes.

This is how Temer entered the police station of the San Pablo Federal Police (Courtesy of Jornal Floripa).


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