Pilar Rahola, in the eye of the cyclone: ​​"Kirchnerism has carried out a coup against democracy"


Some applaud and others are outraged. A Spanish correspondent says that he will not write what Pilar Rahola says in the luncheon organized by the Rotary Club and in the series of lectures on "Thinking Argentina" to which the Catalan inviterator was invited. "He came to ask Macri for a vote," he says. While Rahola is joking with the yellow color, let's change what you've chosen for the occasion. He combined it with a butterfly of the same tone on the black blouse, symbol of the badertion of the Catalan political prisoners: he is ultra-independentist.

This is one of the many activities added to the one that brought it, invited by the Catalan government under the pretext that Barcelona is the city invited to the Book Fair. There, he presents his last work, S.O.S. Christianswhich explains the persecution they are suffering throughout history.

Now that the controversial term is used for almost everything, it is interesting to say that Rahola is a domain specialist in public controversy. And he's very clear, and he likes that. He has just said in Buenos Aires that Kirchnerism was a regime that had carried out a coup d'etat against democracy. Fair, will coincide in the fair with the presentation of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. The Catalan, who has frequent links with this country, was in organic politics, is a chronicler for L & # 39; vanguard, tertuliana of the programs of the afternoon (media), specialist, with several published works, in radical Islam, star of opinion.

-What a desire to work

-Do not believe. We are in the field of communication because we have ideas that we want to communicate. And communication is interdisciplinary today. I always do the same thing, but with different languages.

-And always in the eye of the cyclone, generating titles. And if Kirchnerism was a regime that carried a white blow, for example.

-Yes, it's that I believe him. At the end of the day, we talk about public management: you can not go with little girls. We are talking about millions of pesos that have disappeared. And I exercise my freedom of expression when I think that here there was a real diet that ended up being installed as a great magmatic movement that took everything up. And that has diet connotations. As it permeates the judiciary, journalistic power ends up being a blow to democracy. I have the luxury of having a microphone and if I have any, I should exercise my freedom of expression, make mistakes or guess. I will already receive the consequences if I am wrong. But Here, we must not contemplate reality, but the impact. And the reality of Argentina is very hard.

– Some people were surprised to hear you, no doubt, and compared your sentence with an opposite sentence: "Macri is the dictatorship". You seem closer to Macri, although you criticize him.

– A dictatorship is not because you are a good or a bad leader, whether you like it or not. Macri could be a bad leader and he is wrong too. But it has nothing to do with a dictatorship. Kirchnerism no longer, but a blow to the structures of the republic. He perverted the mandate of the vote and had an autarkic willingness to be able to, and that has diet connotations. To say that Macri is a dictator is scandalous.

-And you will coincide at the Book Fair with the presentation of Cristina Kirchner.

-Yes, and it seems terrible that you present your book at the fair for three reasons. First of all because if you want to start your election trip, do not use the prestige of the Book Fair. I think it's a pity, you can not do an electoral act occupying the street and with all the fanfare of power in a fair with this international prestige, now use it and keep it, do it for you for a simple political act, it seems perverse. The second: What journalists can not enter freely?But what is it ?! Journalism must penetrate the black holes of power, which is a power that you, as a citizen, give to political power. And the politician can not say that it happens and that it does not come.

-Only the guests invited by the senator, according to the editorial

– That is to say that it is an attitude of double prepotence, that of the person who was the first president of the country and now uses a public sphere, which belongs to all, for his campaign. And he arrogates the right to decide who goes in and who does not, what was believed? We put the politicians and we get them out, they can not do what they want.

-I change the subject. Radical Islamism is your theme, you have devoted a lot, you are particularly interested. In one of your last columns, about the attack in Sri Lanka, you said that there were attacks of Islamic State in the West.

-Yes, because Daesh must find his place. Sri Lanka tells us many things, and all bad ones: that the jihadist phenomenon for nothing is controllednow there are Daesh franchises. That empowerment is consolidated, through radical magnets of peaceful communities, corrupted for decades by petrodollars and fomenting an extreme speech in them. And that the phenomenon continues to speak to us but it seems that we do not listen to it. In Sri Lanka, it was found that Islamist organizations were helping Maldivian terrorists, who were connecting to jihadist groups in the Middle East. And Daesh, who lost his territory, will have to try to stay in focus. Because the jihadist phenomenon feeds on the news. When they saw that a London policeman had stabbed CNN, they discovered a mine, because everything is at the same time global. When they lose the caliphate that they had in great Mesopotamia, this territorial presence, they must regain headlines, and attacks are expected even in Europe.

-In the meantime, Europe is in its labyrinth. As you said, a continent is wrecked.

– The situation of economic crisis, the lack of identity of the European collective, the role of Russia, which is swinging towards an undemocratic place, make everything go wrong. He is now enjoying an extreme right-wing phenomenon that has exploded in several countries. In some more surprising cases, such as Finland or Sweden, in other more clear, such as Austria or Hungary, Italy or France and now also Spain, which will count a very important caucus in the European Parliament. Europe is radicalizing to extremes, the loser of centrality and I believe that it is wrecked in the values ​​that it represents. Let's not forget that it is this continent that has seen four million people flee a terrible war and decided that it would not allow them to enter, but that he was selling them to the Turks. This has made Europe in the 21st century, we are this shame. How are we going to give lessons to someone?

-You have the yellow butterfly for the Catalan prisoners. Do you see a solution to the Catalan conflict with the ruling PSOE?

No The conflict is bitter and, as long as there are political prisoners and exiles, it will not be resolved, but it will go bad. Spain made a very serious mistake that the British did not commit: to try to resolve a political conflict through police repression. The British put ballot boxes, they sent us the police. And the police do not solve, in a democracy, the territorial conflicts. Therefore, no, we are very far from a solution.

And if there was a legal referendum, what would happen?

– The normal thing in a democracy, is that a country that has a thousand years of history, like Catalonia, has the right to vote for its seven million inhabitants, coming from many origins. And if you win independence, you go quietly and if you do not win, you stay. But it is the mature and rational way of solving political problems in a democracy. We will not stop fighting before we can vote.


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