Paraguay: Asunción was under water and there is one dead


A violent temporary flogging for several hours Paraguay and left the city of Asunción virtually submerged. In the town of Villa Morra, the water that has accumulated in the streets has resulted in the cars that eventually collide. In turn, the drivers trapped in their vehicle were saved for emergency services

The strong storm He took a victim in the department of Ñeembucú. He is the academic director of the Faculty of Accounting Sciences of the National University of Pilar who, after being trapped in his car, died of cardiac arrest.

The most affected area is Pilar where the drop of more than 270 millimeters of water has been recorded. Heavy rains caused the interruption of power supply, falling trees and floods in almost the entire city. San Francisco, San Miguel and San Jose residents have moved to municipal sports centers, sports clubs and high schools to protect themselves from water that has risen 8 centimeters in recent years. 24 hours.

According to the newspaper The nation from this country, the Paraguay River reaches the height of 8.06 meters, which is equivalent to a critical situation still far from the 9.60 meters to consider as a disaster area.

The local meteorological service has issued a new alert for more severe storms for this Saturday where they predicted punctually heavy rainfall, wind gusts near 100 km / h, a high probability of hail and strong electric shocks.


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