The New York Times speaks of "Argentina's economic misery"


"Argentina's economic misery could bring populism back into the country," the New York Times said in a long article on the growth of poverty and warned that the situation could lead to "a return of populism" .

"Beyond this country of 44 million people, Macri's vision is to test ideas that will shape economic policy at a time of recriminations in the face of growing inequality," the paper said. "It was badumed that his presidency would offer an alternative to sinking waste for countries clinging to growing populism around the world, now his presidency threatens to become a doorway to populism," the newspaper warns.

The owner of NYTimes article.

The chronicle, which includes people living in the bins of suburbs of Buenos Aires, retired and industrial, paints a dark picture of the present and the future of the country.

"Macri is facing the growing ghost of a challenge from Cristina Kirhcner, who faces serious accusations of corruption, her unbridled spending has contributed to the crisis inherited from Macri," said the NYTimes.

>>> I have accessed from here to the full article of The New York Times (in English)

He however felt that "a possible return of the former president would imply a left-wing populism and an uncomfortable proximity to insolvency".

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"The cuts to Mcri have immediately hit the city, promises of benefits for their reforms could take years, leaving Argentines angry and aspiring to the past," the publication concluded.

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