Bolsonaro: "If a man comes in, you have to put a ball"


Brazilian President relaxed the use of firearms Source: Reuters

BRASILIA.- In line with his hard speech, the
president of


Jair Bolsonaro,

He gave an interview on the radio Sunday and defended a freer use of the
weapons to say that if a criminal comes home, he is able to shoot and suffer the consequences.

"Me, for example, as a man, I have to defend my wife and if a man enters my house (…), you have to put a bullet in there," he said.
president in dialogue with
Radio Bandeirantes.

Thus, the right-wing president, the first ex-military to have arrived at the government of the country of Latin America, reaffirmed his conviction in favor of the flexibilization of the carrying of arms which gave rise to a decree published last Wednesday in which truckers, politicians, journalists and others they were
benefited with this permission.

"If someone enters your home, you have to download it," recommended Bolsonaro, while baduring that there is a "popular" claim in favor of the possession and circulation of weapons, that it is "safe to use". he promised to answer during the 2018 election campaign.

In fact, according to the president, the majority of Brazilians are in favor of the arms trade, but never before has the government dealt with it, according to what has been published on the portal.
PN News.

Judge Rosa Weber of the Federal Supreme Court asked the head of state to present this week the legal arguments on which the decree is based. Senate and MP counsel noted legal and possibly constitutional inconsistencies in the regulations.


Adopted on May 7, this measure eases the country's stringent gun laws by strengthening Brazilians' skills in the sale, portering and access to firearms, a decision some critics have called "reforming" the most devastating on the weapons ". decades

Igarape, a group of Brazilian experts, said the "death decree" significantly increased the number of people who could carry arms without permission from the federal police, further exacerbating violence in Brazil.

However, Bolsonaro insisted he acted constitutionally: "The life of a good citizen is priceless." The president, a former army captain and lawmaker for 27 years, has long opposed the 2003 Disarmament Statute, which sets a minimum age of 25 to possess a weapon, 39, mandatory background checks and the obligation to renew. the respective license every five years.

AP and ANSA agencies


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