DAlessio case: Garré denounced Santoro and Olivetto for the false news accounts abroad


The Clarín reporter had issued a false note stating that the former minister and Máximo Kirchner had two millionaire accounts abroad.

May 13, 2019

As part of the case that investigates an illegal spying network, MP Nilda Garré denounced the fact that she was the victim of an operation. of this level with regard to a denunciation by the legislator of the Civic Coalition, Paula Olivetto, based on a "false news" made by the journalist of Clarín, Daniel Santoro, in which she and Máximo Kirchner obtained an account in the United States and another in the Cayman Islands.

"I was a victim of a similar operation with the intervention of the people surveyed here, about a whistleblowing from Paula Olivetto based on the broadcast made by journalist Daniel Santoro in the newspaper Clarín of a false news, "he said in a complaint filed in the Federal Court of Dolores, to which he subscribed The Destape.

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The MP pointed out that they were "More than three years of an exhaustive judicial inquiry were needed to" erase "the false news" – who was trying to "influence the 2015 presidential campaign" -. Garré said that she and Máximo were accused of "wrongly holding accounts abroad and foreign companies with a serious criminal connotation", but Federal Judge Marcelo Martínez De Giorgi was acquitted in November of last year.

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As recorded The Destape, the article at the origin of the case, published by Clarín in March 2015 during the election campaign, reported that Máximo Kirchner and Nilda Garré controlled a Account in the United States Felton Bank with $ 61 million and another in the Morval Bank of the Cayman Islands, which reportedly reached $ 19,845,300.

Martínez de Giorgi, in its foundations, justifies the dismissal arguing that "The facts of the investigation have not been committed, indicating that the formation of the process does not affect the reputation and honor of the one who enjoyed it."

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