It's "the tree of death", the harmful plant that causes these very serious effects


May 15, 2019

The tree of death brings consequences never imagined; in fact, they badure that "this can cause severe vomiting and diarrhea". More details, in this note.

tree of death
Tree of Death

It is a species of shrub called "Hippomane mancinella" and commonly called "the tree of death"He hails from Central America and the Caribbean and has started to make news in recent days because of the serious consequences this could have on people's health.

The BBC confirmed in 2016 one of the problems that can be generated by the simple contact with the tree of death: "Just by rubbing it in pbading, your skin can be horribly irritated". According to specialists, the problem lies in the sap containing the plant, which generates allergic reactions in humans. But there would be no problem pbading near him. What is very harmful is the fruit of this tree of death.

The fruit consists of a small feverfew that, once consumed, "can cause vomiting and diarrhea so severe that they dehydrate the body to the point of no return."

She gave birth at the top of a tree and in the midst of the floods that killed 700 people

A tourist who ate the fruit during his vacation in the Caribbean acknowledged: "The symptoms worsened over the next two hours, so we could not swallow any solid food because the pain was unbearable and the feeling of a big knot that was blocking our throat "

Tree of Death

To prevent this from spreading, it is scientifically proven that if their roots and trunks are burned, the spread of their seeds will be limited and virtually avoided.

For its part, the Institute of Agricultural Sciences and Food of Florida has acknowledged that the "tree of death", Was used for the manufacture of furniture.In fact, the Indians themselves would have created arrows to hunt their prey and even, through them, create medicinal methods.

Source: BBC

They accused the employee of neglecting the furniture and attached her to the tree as a punishment.

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