First massive revolt against Jair Bolsonaro | Is …


From Brasilia

Students and professors lead the first mbadive revolt against Jair Bolsonaro in the 27 Brazilian states. A mob occupied more than six blocks from Avenida Paulista, in downtown São Paulo. The speeches prevailed in favor of the unity of the unions, parties and movements to resist the regime's attack against education. One of the ovations was dedicated to a retired 96-year-old teacher, who greeted the audience from the box installed next to the San Pablo art museum. The slogan "Bolsonaro that there is money for militia and not for education" was chanted in San Pablo and Rio de Janeiro. The strike coincided with a new wave of scandal linking a son of the president to paramilitary "militias". Between trumpets, cars with loudspeakers and firecrackers, the reduction of the education budget and the preventive reform were repudiated.

In the morning, a concentration was held at the University of São Paulo (USP), the largest in the country, whose participants then walked (7 km) on Paulista Avenue. "Books yes, no weapons" and "Out, out (Bolsonaro)".

The shutdown had a high compliance rate at the USP, at the State University of San Pablo and at the University of Campinas. the most important of the public system. They also arrested Catholic University Chairs, private, with a long tradition of clashing with the military dictatorship.

In Rio de Janeiro, the event concentrated in a persistent rain in the Plaza de la Candelaria, then the columns moved to the center of Brazil.

The first report indicates that in most provinces, the activities of universities, elementary and secondary schools have ceased, which has added to busy concentrations. It was not a day of sectoral struggle, but of defense of education by large sectors, as evidenced by the presence of parents of primary and secondary school pupils.

Popular anger began to grow for weeks: On May 6, high school students, parents and high school teachers from Rio protested in front of the Military College where Bolsonaro promised to open more schools of this kind. guy and praised the military training.

Yesterday, one of the first gatherings took place in Brasilia from 10 am, when thousands of people gathered around the semi-spherical structure of the art museum and left from there for the Congress.

"This march is a victory for the workers, because it is the first to be planted in front of a government weakened by scandals.We left reinforced for the general strike of October 14," said PáginaI12 Secretary General of the 39 Association of Professors of the University of Brasilia, Claudio Lorenzo.

"This is a government that has all the characteristics of the fascists.The president and the Minister of Education (Abraham Weintraub) are two obscurantists.They oppose the essential knowledge.They attack the students by through pure McCarthyism. "

"Bolsonaro has been given a helping hand by provocating against the university students who have finally unified the left and the center.We have with us teachers who have supported the indictment against Dilma and who now support the unemployment, "said professor and trade unionist Lorenzo.

The column where were flags of the National Union of Students, PT and other leftist forces occupied the six lanes of the main avenue of the capital, the Eixo Monumental, beside which are the ministries.

"The order is that no one comes to the Ministry of Education, because there are federal troops, we know the government wants to suppress and will try to infiltrate us with provocateurs," says the unionist Lorenzo.

Bolsonaro and Justice Minister, former judge Lava Jato, Sergio Moro, signed an order to mobilize the National Guard of Public Security to occupy the center of Brasilia after the mobilizations of indigenous peoples , two weeks ago this wednesday

The retired captain and head of state visited yesterday for the second time in less than two months in the United States. He landed in Dallas shortly after noon in Brasilia, when some 50,000 protesters (according to the unions) arrived at the stonemason in front of Parliament.

He attacked students and professors with the same virulence as he showed a month ago when he declared that universities are not places to house "activists" and that he would do all his work. possible to delete them.

Those who participated in the strike "are useful idiots used as a maneuver force by a minority," he told Dallas before heading to a meeting with former President George W. Bush.

Bolsonaro chose to visit this Texas city after canceling a visit to New York to avoid protests from environmentalists and the LGBT community.

In Paris, about fifty Brazilian and French students joined the repudiation against the far right regime. The sung voice of the act had interested scholars to the possibility that adjustment left them without resources to carry out their doctorates, mainly in humanities, the area in which Bolsonaro directed his most unfounded critics .


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