Infobae, Clarín, La Nación and a group of 60 media join forces to fight against the false news of the electoral campaign


Less than three months before PASO, a proliferation of photos, videos and political messages that must be verified will be verified. On the basis of international experience, it is known that bad information (or false news) increases during an election period. Reverso, an unpublished collaborative project promoted by AFP Factual, First Draft, Pop-Up Newsroom and Checking, is facing this challenge. Infobae, Clarín, La Nación and a group of 60 media from across the country and technology companies come together to step up the fight against false news of the verification of the information.

The opposite name takes the pun: the verified and reliable information of #ReversoAr will be the other side of misinformation circulate through social networks, instant messaging channels and media during the 2019 presidential campaign. This initiative follows lessons learned from experiences from different countries: "CrossCheck" in France, "Electionland" in the United States, "Verified "in Mexico," Comprova "in Brazil and more recently" Checkpoint "in India and" Prouvé "in Spain.

It is a consortium of international organizations, media and businesses that train journalists from across the country to monitoring and verification of viral contentand to produce and disseminate, jointly and simultaneously, audiovisual articles highlighting the misinformation circulating during the electoral process. There will be media that will be allies broadcasters and others who will also be allies producers, but all will participate in one of the 12 formations that Reverso will offer over the next two months in 11 provinces of the country and in the city of Buenos Aires and will begin this Friday, May 17th. in the city of Mendoza. What is sought is that citizens have better information.

This alliance aims to promote the best of national and international experience. Checked and First Draft will collaborate in the development of training materials for journalists and, after the elections, in in-depth investigations. Pop-Up Newsroom will bring its experience in the development of workflow a large number of newsrooms and will work with Chequeado to develop technologies to streamline journalistic work. And AFP Factual, the blog of fact checking Agence France-Presse, and Checked will be responsible for the central editing table.

The Reverso will have a decentralized formulation across the country that will be composed of media producing allies and will have a central table that will work on the writing of Checking. The team will continually review social networks and trends with tracking tools allowing know what information is shared and badyze whether it is true, misleading, false or impossible to prove. All media that are part of Reverso, as allies producers or allies broadcasters, can disseminate the content produced in the alliance to fight against misinformation and provide its readers, listeners and viewers with verified and reliable information .

Reverso will begin publishing content on June 11 and will end on December 11, once the elected government is elected.

Twitter will also be part of this joint action and will make it possible to use different tools of the platform, such as lists or "announcements of goods", to promote the initiative and improve the scope and visibility of its products. tweets. feed.

Facebook will inform the most shared stories between the Argentine accounts of detect any erroneous information and inform its users of the verified content.

Google, for its part, will provide an infrastructure with computing capacity in the cloud, provide badistance with Verification tools and help to interpret the research trends reflecting Google Trends to understand what the Argentineans are looking for in connection with the electoral process.

The goal of all allies is simple: to give citizens tools to know what is true and what is wrong, regardless of their originand discourage those who use the content with the intention of misinforming and influencing the presidential elections.

Among the media that make up the alliance are: Amphibious, BBC World, Channel 13, Channel 9, El Cronista, El Dia, El Liberal, El Litoral, Capital, La Gaceta, La Voz del Interior and Page 12, between other.

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