Yankee doctor abused 177 students | Chronic


A doctor from the sports teams at Ohio State University in the United States badually badaulted at least 177 students between 1979 and 1996, while the school was unaware of the complaints, according to a report released in recent hours.

It is the doctor Richard Strauss, who committed suicide in 2005, according to the report prepared by law firms Coie LLP and Perkins, which revealed that the university "I had known" badual abuse since at least 1979, but the complaints against it were only taken into consideration in 1996.

The medical center of Ohio State University.

That year, he was removed from his sports doctor duties, although he remained on the university payroll until his retirement in 1998, reported EFE. The abuse has affected athletes from at least 15 sports and other students that Strauss attended at the University Health Center or at his off – campus clinic.

According to the report, the men complained that "Strauss routinely performed excessive and apparently unnecessary medical examinations from a medical point of view, regardless of the medical condition presented by student-patients.".

Acts of violence range from contact at the point of erection or ejaculation to more subtle acts, such as asking patients under medical pretense to undress completely without being necessary.

Of the 520 former students surveyed to write the report, 177 admitted to having been abused by Strauss and 38 others said they had a similar experience with a doctor at this university, but could not identify him. .

"Many students felt that Strauss's behavior was an" open secret ", believing that his coaches and medical staff were fully aware of Strauss' activities, even though few seemed ready to do anything. thing to stop it."says the report.

The President of Ohio State University, Michael V. Drakehe apologized for a message to the entire university community "to each person who has been abused by Strauss".


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