Lula would be in love and had the intention to get married when he would come out of jail


One of Lula's latest images taken on his return to Curitiba Prison after attending the funeral of one of his grandchildren last March Source: Reuters

RIO DE JANEIRO.- The prison would not have prevented the former president Luiz Inacio


da Silva (2003-2010) finds love and plans to get married when he regains his freedom.

"Last Thursday I visited


. He is in excellent physical and mental condition. Their main concern now is the defense of sovereignty, the union of Brazilians to defend Brazil and its people from what exists (the government of

Jair Bolsonaro

). His greatest demand is for his innocence to be recognized. He is in love and his first project after his release from prison is to get married, "his friend Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira, an economist and former minister, told his Facebook account after visiting the former president. 73 years old last week.

For now, Lula's official environment – his spokesman, his lawyers and the Workers Party – has neither confirmed nor denied this information. However, according to Epoca magazine, the girlfriend of the former president, convicted of bribery and money laundering as part of the Lava Jato operation, is from Rosangela "Janja" da Silva, about 40 years old. The two men met several years ago, in the midst of the "caravan of citizenship" that the ex-unionist had created for the country, before winning the 2002 elections, and since then they have been remained friends.

A sociologist, Janja divides her time between Foz do Iguaçu, where she works in the social projects department of the Itaipú Dam, and Curitiba, the city where she lives. When he is in the capital of Paraná, he frequently goes to the Lula cell, to the General Directorate of Federal Police, where the former president has been stationed since last April; his initial sentence was 12 years and one month of imprisonment, but last month the Superior Court of Justice reduced him to eight years and 10 months, which, as of September, could pbad into semi-open plan or even under house arrest.

Lula is a widower; He was married for 43 years to Marisa Leticia Rocco Casa, who died in January 2017 after a stroke.

In an interview given to the Folha newspapers of S. Paulo and El País last April, the former president made statements that now make more sense regarding his love life.

"Do you think I would not want to be at home? I would like to be at home with my wife, I would love to be at home with my children, I would like to be at home with my grandchildren, i would like to be at home with my clbadmates, but i do not get in trouble because i want to go out here with my head up, as i walked in, innocent, and I can only do it if I have the courage and I fight for it, "he said at that time.


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