The new president of Ukraine dissolves the parliament of the opposition


Comedian Vladimir Zelenski badumed the Ukrainian presidency in Parliament (Verkhovna Rada) with the same provocative tone with which he swept the polls and surprised the country by accusing deputies of corruption and announcing the dissolution of the legislative power. The strategy is to hold parliamentary elections, Zelenski not having today deputies.

"People are fed up with experienced politicians who have been building a country of opportunities for 28 years … with opportunities for bribery, money laundering and corruption," he said. the 41-year-old president, who buried the chances of reelection of powerful Petro Poroshenko with a historic victory with more than 73% of the vote.

Zelenski called on MPs to approve a bill to strengthen the crime of illicit enrichment and several motions to dismiss key members of the current government and Poroshenko's allies. Immediately afterwards, he warned them that they would have only a few weeks to do so because they will decree the dissolution of parliament and the call for early elections.

Elections must be held within two months of the signing of the presidential decree. They could therefore take place at the end of July, barely three months before the date initially fixed. It is possible that the decree will be challenged by the outgoing ruling party in parliament and in the courts.

The announcement of Zelenski calls for a coup by the state in the struggle he has been holding since his election victory with the Poroshenko coalition, which had a mandate from parliament and therefore from the government, until the end. in October. The new president's bet had an immediate effect: Prime Minister Vladimir Groisman, Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak and Security Services Director Vasili Gritsak, all of Poroshenko's allies, announced their resignation.

Zelenski printed his own style during the inauguration ceremony. He eliminated the motorcade and walked among thousands of people. The presidents were from Georgia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Hungary, as well as the Presidents of the European Commission and NATO.

Zelenski promised to continue on the European path inaugurated by Poroshenko in 2014, after the popular uprising that toppled the pro-Russian president, Viktor Yanukovych. But Zelenski won the biggest ovation when he promised to work to end the separatist war in the east. Russia arms and provides political support to the separatists, after seizing the Ukrainian province of Crimea in early 2014. "The government has done nothing for them to feel Ukrainian", he said about the people of the east, supporters of Russia. . Pbading from the Ukrainian language to the Russian language, Zelenski announced that he would "not be afraid to make decisions", would lose his "popularity and rank, if necessary, or even his duties, if it serves peace" .


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