DJI drones could also be affected by the US commercial blockade of Huawei


DJI's remotely controlled electric vehicles are the first electronic device in sight after China's trade embargo with the United States.

Commercial blockade of the United States to


already had a direct impact on the technology sector after the announcement of the


to withdraw the Chinese company as a trading partner in the use of


. Gradually, the impacts affect different technology companies such as
DJI, the signature of


it is under the magnifying glbad of the authorities for the registration of sensitive data from the US territory to the data centers of the Asian giant.

"The authorities are deeply concerned by any technological product that records data from an authoritarian state in the United States, which applies to remotely operated aircraft manufactured in China," the Department of Homeland Security said. the government agency in a statement. responsible for the protection of the United States against natural disasters and terrorist attacks.

Not to mention one company in particular, DJI is the main reference in the commercial UAV sector in the US market. The Chinese firm holds 70% of the drone market of more than 500 dollars, according to a
Skylogic consultancy report, while Yuneec, another Asian giant manufacturer, is one of the major players in the sector.

The Chinese firm claims that the security of its technology is verified by the US government. "Users have full control over the data they collect, store and transmit," DJI said in a statement.

In the background, the DJI devices were
banned within the US military because of concerns that its use generates in military installations. The Chinese firm said it collected the recordings and screenshots with the consent of the users. She then introduced the privacy mode, a function to block any type of data transmission on the Internet during the flight of the drone.


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