Yankees launches its first postal service with self-driving trucks | Chronic


The US Postal Service This week, trials of unmanned truck cargo shipments began on a 1,600-kilometer (1,600-km) route between its distribution centers in Phoenix, Arizona, and Dallas, Texas.

The trial will be conducted by TuSimple, an autonomous transportation company, which said the route required a 22-hour drive along three interstate highways that also crossed the state of New Mexico, EFE reported.

"It's exciting to think that before many people take a taxi without a driver, their couriers and their parcels can be transported by a self-driving truck."said the founder of TuSimple, Xiaodi Houin a statement.

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The company will make five return trips in two weeks, which represent more than 3,000 km (3,000 km) each and generally require two drivers. TuSimple, based in San Diego, California, said the trucks will have a driver and an engineer on board to monitor the vehicle's behavior.

For its part, the postal service pointed out that these tests were part of the "Efforts to exploit a future clbad of vehicles incorporating new technologies" for "to guarantee safety, improve service, reduce emissions and generate operating savings".

Xiaodi Hou explained that the trucks will have a driver and an engineer on board (Source: Twitter).

The collaboration between Postal Service and TuSimple comes at a time when driverless vehicle testing in US cities, such as Uber or General Motors, has shown the challenges and complexity of developing this technology in an urban setting.

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The chosen route, between two large logistic centers and in sparsely populated areas, is simpler since it does not involve the presence of cyclists and pedestrians, whose behavior is less predictable. .


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