Brexit: May proposes a new agreement with the option of the second referendum


"There is a last chance" to end the blockade of Brexit, said May, who included in this "new agreement", whose vote has not yet set a specific date, the demands of the Labor Party from the opposition with which negotiations broke off on Friday.

Engaged at the beginning of April, the aim of these talks was to find an agreement likely to win the support of a majority in Parliament, which since January has rejected three times the text signed in November by the Prime Minister with her 27 European partners.

But after her failure after six weeks of contacts, the prime minister, who had already announced her intention to resubmit the agreement to deputies – this time in the form of a law on the subject. withdrawal agreement – early June, seems determined to make concessions.

Thus, if MEPs approve their bill, he proposes to make them vote on the possible convening of a second referendum and the temporary maintenance of the United Kingdom in a customs union with the EU.

After the June 2016 referendum, in which 52% of Britons voted in favor of Brexit, the United Kingdom should have left the EU on 29th March. But Parliament's repeated rejection of the divorce agreement with Brussels has pushed May to accept a "flexible" carry of the Brexit: until 31 October, although the country may leave the bloc earlier than before. He finds a solution to the blockade.

Downing Street number two, David Lidington, said two weeks ago that the government wanted to find a solution "before the summer break" of the British Parliament, starting July 20.


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