Lavagna: "Today, I am a candidate for the presidency by consensus 19" | Chronic


L & # 39; economist Roberto Lavagna He stated that: "From the first day we proposed to be on the sidelines of the crack, we do not have to follow this match".

"Today, I am a presidential candidate by consensus 19, a group outside of justicialism, which includes radicalism, and we will receive with great pleasure, with open arms, all the radicals who do not feel represented by the pro", He confided in baduring himself that he would be running for president of this force.

Later, he noted: "We are the anti-crack, neither Cristina nor Cambiemos, what we are trying to do is to build a space in the center attracting people from both sides".

"The president asked a question a few days ago around a few points, we were the first to answer it, we told him that the 10 points did not include the word growth, industry, investment, work, education … so we could not approve these ten points. " holding Lavagna in C5N adding that "Some may be acceptable, but priorities do not appear in these ten points."

Then he says: "They agreed on the points centered on the adjustment and paying the creditors, they agreed yesterday, it's in all the newspapers today, agreement, adjustment and payment to creditors ". Meanwhile, he pointed out that he does not say "Not a word of growth or work creation".

"We are targeting the voters of Cambiemos and Kirchnerism, both, so as not to deprive anyone of anything"explained the economist. In addition, he stated that this space is a project and "He has a trajectory, but everything is a hodgepodge".

Before the consultation, if he met with the flamboyant pre-candidate for the presidency Alberto Fernández he said that they were not communicating since this "He knows we are anti crack".

Then he talked about his project "To get away from the idea of ​​permanent adjustment that we have experienced over the last 3 years, in the near future no work will have been created, which is why we are backing away. and a lot of unemployed work.What we need to do, is to mobilize that for the economy to grow. ".

On the differences with the government of Mauricio Macri and the 2001 crisis commented that the latter "It was higher, the Menem-Cavallo convertibility, a viable diet, and it has collapsed, more than half of Argentina has entered the market, and we are pulling from it. 39 experience of 2002 that if you want, you can start a paralyzed economy ".

On economic policies, he warned that "We have to stop talking about the IMF, it is the problem, in general, of some political parties because they believe that what they say is good, there is a way out, there are empty resources, they are really mistaken From the beginning, the first thing they said was that the economy would develop because of the rain of investment and that in an economy without demand or investment, there was no rain of rain. In thirteen years, Argentina has left $ 60 billion inside, this is official data. ", held Lavagna firmly.

As for inflation, he commented "in an absolutely stagnant economy, 8 stagnant years, 4 of Cristina and 4 of Macri, when one reduces the inflationary pressure loses".

Consulted at the next elections clarified that: "People will decide, I do not make such predictions, citizens will say: I hope they want to change, we do not change, that failed, there was a lot of marketing, we need 14 hours a day, less marketing and trolls, or insulting people who work for the government ".

He also pointed out that he was not following opinion polls or reports because "everything is changed, but what you can see are the images, good, bad and we had to be in the one that has a good image, the image is built with the past, knowing who is who at any given time not to fantasize ".

"It's a question, do we support the president's points that do not say a word of work?"
Do we support the ends of the crack? No, do not get upset and do not be afraid, everyone goes their way and explain their reasons ",
Lavagna peaked.


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