Kicillof is "the architect of the Argentine debacle"


In an article signed by Mary Anastasia O. Grady, the publication severely criticized the measures taken by the Argentine economist during the last government

The prestigious American newspaper The Wall Street Journal estimated Tuesday that the Mexican president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), "flirts with the sucidio" after the visit of the former Minister of Economy Cristina Kirchner, Axel Kicillof in this country a few days ago.

In an article signed by journalist Mary Anastasia O. Grady, she pointed out that "AMLO" worked hard to convince the markets that it was not Hugo Chávez ", although it was not a good thing to say that it was a good thing. he added: "The former Argentine President Cristina Kirchner may have Chávez."

"Argentine politician Axel Kicillof fanned the flames of these fears during his visit to Mexico earlier this month. The former Minister of Economy of Mrs. Kirchner, Mr. Kicillof, is now called Keynesian. However, while he was working for the Kirchner government, he was known for the anti-market activism of the extreme left and for the harsh criticisms that exacerbated the envy and hatred of the Argentines."said the US media.

In the same narrative, Kicillof delivered a speech entitled "How to deal with neoliberalism and not die in this attempt: Argentina, Mexico and the new conservative wave of Latin America". He was pronounced, he says, at the National University of Mexico. "But he also called two powerful Mexican senators from the Morena party of López Obrador and met with government officials," he said.

"If Mr López Obrador and his team were committed to preserving Mexico's image as a capital destination, they would have avoided Mr Kicillof when he arrived in the city." The fact that they did not do so was a reason to increase the concern over the trade relations between the United States, Canada and Mexico, "he added.

"Mexico remains a free country and the right of Mr. Kicillof's hosts, who are among the loudest supporters of AMLO, to provide a platform in the public square so that their ideas remain safe. But for a government that says it wants to show good faith, the visit to Kicillof seems like a senseless and self-inflicted injury."O 'Grady wrote and added," It's hard to believe it was a bad step. Another theory is that the government asked Kicillof to plow the land and install the AMLO program (the fourth transformation), which Argentina praised during his visit. "

"The Kirchnerists left office in 2015 embarrbaded after destroying the country. Argentinian center-right president Mauricio Macri is still struggling to stabilize the economy and Kicillof has no intention of letting the crisis get lost.he recalled.

According to the Wall Street Journal, "the symbolism included in Kicillof's visit is not lost on investors, they know that Mexico has been striving to modernize for a quarter of a century and that it's not the same. he has made important progress. " back as he did with Argentina ".

"This is a ring-bell for the Trump administration, and with international socialists putting Mexico at stake, the appropriate response from the United States is to deepen engagement with their neighbor." from the south, "summed up the journalist.

"Only the extravagant left of Mexico could see in the legacy of Mr. Kicillof's unbridled populism a success, since he had extended social programs irresponsibly." He lobbied the central bank to print money and destroyed the country's investment profile, "the Wall Street Journal said.Mr Kicillof preached against property rights and welcomed the break-up of debt and the confiscation of foreign badets. Ms. Kirchner nationalized private pension accounts in Argentine banks. "

He added that Axel Kicillof was "the architect of the economic debacle of Argentina".

"In his daily lectures, Mr. López Obrador may seem invincible, so he chides the press, denigrates the business world and mocks the law, but his power rests on his high approval rating. this will happen if investors flee the country and the peso collapses, "added O. Grady.

"This reality is recognized by the practice of AMLO and that is why, despite his disdain for the market economy, he has so far been forced to abide by the Agreement. North American free trade, still in force, "he pointed.

The reporter also said that trade was a voluntary exchange not only beneficial economically, but also facilitated the flow of ideas and goodwill among nations. "Isolation, on the other hand, creates the conditions under which demagogues gain power. By supporting the trade relationship between the United States and Mexico, Washington can help Mexicans counter the dangerous leftist populism represented by Mr. Kicillof, "the paper said.

"Some hopes came Friday when the Trump government announced that it had reached an agreement with Canada and Mexico to raise steel and aluminum tariffs that Mr. Trump had imposed last year, but approved by the US Congress .. remains uncertain, and vultures are circling, one of Argentina, even recently landed in Mexico, "concluded the Wall Street Journal article.

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