Crime in retirement home: 102-year-old woman confessed to killing 92 people


A crime of coolness generated a great stir in the French city of Chézy-sur-Marne. A 92-year-old woman was found dead in the room of a local geriatric and according to the first signs it would be a murder. What has most alerted the community is that the possible criminal would be another old woman who also lived in this residence.

The suspect, 102, was very agitated and seemed dazed when the staff asked her if she knew anything. Desperate, they He confessed that he "had killed someone".

The autopsy excluded that the victim died naturally because he showed signs of violence: suffocated by strangulation and received blows to the head.

The 102-year-old woman, whose identity was not revealed, was sent back to a psychiatric facility until she finished badyzing all the evidence. However, the authorities pointed out that if he was found guilty, it would be very difficult to sentence her for her mental state.

A 92-year-old woman killed her 72-year-old son because he wanted to place her in a retirement home. Credit: Maricopa County Sheriff's Office
A 92-year-old woman killed her 72-year-old son because he wanted to place her in a retirement home. Credit: Maricopa County Sheriff's Office

Last year, another crime related to the elderly woman was known. Anna Mae Blessing, 92, shot her son down because he wanted to intern him in a retirement home in Arizona.

The killer used two old pistols that she had hidden in the pockets of her dress. After firing at her son, the old woman pointed to her friend. However, the woman struggled until she managed to lay down her armsHe took the opportunity to escape and call the police.

After the incident, the officers arrested Blessing, who was in his room, sitting in a chair. Accused by the police, he told them that his intention was to commit suicide after what had happened and that he deserved to be "asleep".


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