Natalie Draper has decided to take her three-year-old binoculars to a play center in Mansfield, England. Everything went well until one of them told him that he should go to the bathroom. At the request of his son, the woman accompanied him and let his brother play with a friend. On his return, discovered the little one in the least expected place: inside a plush vending machine.
"When we left the bathroom with my son Joey, we did not find his brother Noah," Natalie said. When he saw her desperate, a lady showed him one of the machines in the store. "Is not it the one who is there?" Asked he. It was like that that he discovered that he was stuck inside the camera.

Soon, Natalie warned the school staff, who managed to release the young man safe and sound. "Now, I can not stop laughing, but it was a terrifying experience. They were the 10 most difficult minutes of my lifehe badured.
Since the machines belong to an external company, the play center did not have the keys to the locks. To reach Noah, we had to break them using screwdrivers and knives.

"Obviously, he loved one of the teddy bears and wanted to take it. If he had asked me, I would have bought it, it was not necessary to take such extreme measures! ", Pleasant mother.
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