The nation still does not send meningitis vaccines


Although it incorporates the national vaccination schedule, the meningitis vaccine (menveo) dose continues to be lacking throughout the province, as confirmed by the Ministry of Health.

"There are difficulties with the supply and distribution all over the country.They say it will be standardized, we hope it will be effective," said Minister of Health Francisco Fortuna at Miter.

The official blamed the national government for the shortfall.

"The national government is competent, it is a very important vaccine," he said.

The missing vaccine has been produced for months. Although some opportunities arose, the doses arrived, but they were insufficient because of high demand and delays, as many children had been waiting for placement for a long time.

What does the calendar say

According to the vaccination schedule, the meningococcal vaccine should be applied at 3 months and strengthened at 5 and 15 months.

Meanwhile, at age 11, a new dose fits.


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