Arrest saves from oblivion Lola Chomnalez, a 15-year-old Argentina murdered in Uruguay | Society


The feminicide of Lola Chomnalez, a 15-year-old Argentinian, has been going unpunished since 2014. The teenager spent the last week of the year with her godmother in the peaceful seaside town of Barra Valizas, Uruguay. On December 28, he left for the beach and did not return. Two days later, they found his body half buried in the dunes six kilometers away and the autopsy confirmed that he had died as a result of asphyxiation. The badbadination shocked Argentina and Uruguay. Several marches were organized to seek justice, but the investigation was bogged down for lack of incriminating evidence. This week, the case was reactivated with the prosecution request as co-author of the murder of Ángel Moreira Marín, The Cachila. Moreira, 33, is dedicated to car care and had already been arrested in 2015, while he had shown inconsistencies in his statement.

On this occasion, Marín admitted to having crossed Chomnalez on the road and then said that he had seen her disappear, but he denied having participated in the crime. His DNA does not match that of the traces of blood found in the victim's backpack, which is why he was released. The current prosecutor, Jorge Vaz, asked for the arrest and detention of Moreira, who had been arrested on 20 May. The prosecutor relied on the findings of the expert semiologist who had participated in his last statement. "Among other things, the expert was able to determine that the suspect, when he was talking about things that did not concern him, had a comfortable non-verbal language and when he asked him about the "Homicide, he had restrictive gestures, gestures and body movements." Situation, "said the prosecutor, according to the Telam agency.

Lola Chomnalez, in an archive photo.

Lola Chomnalez, in an archive photo.

Vaz is the fifth prosecutor through which a file that already contains about 5,000 folios and the statements of a hundred people. Chomnalez's parents traveled to Uruguay earlier this month to meet Vaz and are satisfied with the first results achieved in four and a half years of research. "We are relieved by this treatment," responds EL PAÍS Adriana Belmonte, mother of the victim. Belmonte admits that this is only "the first door that opens", but he hopes that Moreira will break the silence now and reveal everything he knows. "He is accused as a co-author, there is a solid badumption that he has acted with at least one other person, I think there are two others, and we are waiting for to those who have done it appear, "continues the mother, who has dedicated For four and a half years, justice is rendered by Lola.

In 2015, Belmonte had already denounced the contradictions of Moreira before the media. "First of all, she said that she had offered him a small tampon, after having seen it unbalanced, after talking to her and how scared she was, she left, she was not sure. is crazy, "said Belmonte. According to prosecutor Vaz, Moreira was in his statement "evasive and even sometimes aggressive". In addition, he spoke of details that only a witness or a direct participant in the crime could know, he added.

Forensic scientists who performed the autopsy of Chomnalez ruled that the teenager was badually abused before being killed. One of the reshuffled badumptions is that he was robbed, his backpack having been found two weeks later, 200 meters from where the body had been found, without any damage. Money that he had taken home from his godmother. During the investigation, more than a dozen suspects were arrested, but they were all released as successive tracks were thrown away. The family is now waiting for the investigation to finally advance.


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