A 22-year-old boy died from a motorcycle accident in Lavalle


22-year-old boy died after motorcycle accident in Lavalle | MDZ online


the companion was admitted to the hospital sicoli de lavalle after the accident.

A young man died in the early hours of Saturday while falling on the motorcycle in which he was traveling.

Brian Lucero, barely 22 years old, was driving a 150cc Honda with another young man on Urquiza street in Lavalle.

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At around 2.25 May 25, for reasons that are under investigation, the control of the road leading to Belgrano Boulevard was lost and the impact fell from behind the trailer of a parked truck .

The doctors of the Coordinated Emergency Service (SEC) checked the death of Lucero instead and transferred the companion to the hospital of Sicoli, injured several times, where he remains hospitalized.

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