Follow the mystery of backpackers who have lost track of them in Mendoza


The parents of the Buenos Aires backpacker couple who went on a trip on April 1 and whose track was lost after the last communication from Luján de Cuyo, Mendoza, continue to search for young people.

For nine days, they did not hear from them and confirmed that "during all this time, we have not received a photo, message or video that proves that they have them." seen. "

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Angeles Ailén Ruggirello, 19, and Diego Ford, 25, left Buenos Aires to travel to Córdoba and begin an undying journey in the country and Latin America.

"The last contact with my daughter was completely normal, I told her that I was going to a recital with her sister, to whom we wanted to go together, and she was super happy," said Mariana, the mother from Ángeles, about the communication that he maintained on Thursday, May 17th.

The mother of the girl said that after this call, "everything was uncertain" and that nothing is known of the Tiger Indian couple leaving Potrerillos to go to San Juan or Chile on the 18th. Diego told his mother last communication that they had in the early morning of that day.

According to information collected by relatives and detailed in a statement, "May 19 at 15:48, they crossed the customs building located on the Col Cristo Redentor". Andes ".

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They also claim that on May 24, they were seen in Mendoza, although the customs office certifies that there are no youth movements that would apparently continue in Chile.

The latest data received by family members arrives on May 25th. They reported seeing Ángeles Ailen and Diego in the Chilean municipality of Los Andes, in Esmeralda Street and Santa Teresa Avenue. "The girl was crying," they said.

The complaint was filed in front of the San Isidro prosecutor's office and the investigation is being conducted by the Chilean consulate in Buenos Aires.

"People who can provide data should contact the number 11-3792-8319 or write via Facebook," asked the mother of Angeles Ailen Ruggirello.


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