Huawei's counterattacks: sued the United States and challenged the constitutionality of a law


In an attempt to defend its access to major technology markets, Chinese telecommunications company Huawei has filed a lawsuit in US courts to: questioning the constitutionality of a North American law restricting sales of equipment.

Head of Huawei's legal department, Song Liuping, said the company had filed a petition in a court in Plano, Texas, asking for an badessment of the constitutional nature of the US military spending clause banning the government and its subordinates. contractors to use equipment. Huawei

The demand comes at a time when China and the United States are in a trade war in which mutually imposed tariffs by billions of dollars. The Chinese state press said that exports of rare metals, an indispensable element for the manufacture of technological equipment, could be used to influence the dispute.

Huawei is the largest manufacturer of equipment for telecommunications networks and the leader in technology 5G, or fifth generation. It is also the world's second largest maker of smartphones. According to the US government, the company uses its equipment to help the Chinese government spy on others and therefore pose a threat to global cyber security.

"This decision could hurt our customers in 170 countries, including more than 3 billion customers using Huawei's products and services around the world," Song said at a news conference.

Huawei, headquartered in Plano, filed a lawsuit in March against the US law on defense, claiming that it was punishing Huawei selectively and violating the principle of a fair trial because he considered her guilty before the law. Current demand calls for an acceleration of the decision to give US customers prior access to Huawei technologies, said the company in a statement.

Song said that "this campaign promoted by the state" against the company will not improve global cyber security and waits for the government Donald Trump "that he adopts the right approach, as well as Honest and effective measures to improve cybersecurity for all, if the real goal is security"

"US politicians use the strength of an entire nation to attack a private company and this is not normal," he said.


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