Great work in Guido Kaczka's program has outraged networks


Again, a program of questions and answers provided a place where ignorance entered the scene in the most striking way possible under the control of geography. A few weeks ago, a teacher was wrong to place Ukraine on a map Who wants to be a millionaire?now Another family nightThe cycle led by Guido Kaczka in El Trece revealed a fatal mistake on the part of a 14-year-old girl.

Maria Jose, a girl who went to the Guido program to win the trip to Punta del Este with her mother, who was on the platform several meters high at the risk of falling into the water of the "marsh", was to meet what is the capital of sudan

"No, Guido, I do not remember."said the girl. Kaczka told him to talk about town, since he might be able to rely on some of his clues, if the answer was not so far from the correct answer.

"Everyone pulls … Montevideo", shot on Maria José. "No … this answer is wrong"It was the astonished reaction of the driver, who still helped her. "It's wrong, but This is not so bad, because Montevideo is also a capitalin this case, Uruguay, our neighbor country, our brother country, much more than the border … "Guido told the participant.

"When people put you on WhatsApp, a not-so-funny joke that does not want to make you feel bad, what do you put on it?"Kaczka asked the girl. "Ah re"she replied, "Listen, I put 'Jaja', maybe from today to 're ah'. Take a "ha" for "haha" and think of the "nestum" that the boys eat", Maintained Guido.

"Jatul?"the 14-year-old girl said shyly.

"All that's missing is a letter Tell me, tell me Tell me the answer", shipped in a hurry.

"Jatum?"Answered Maria Jose definitively.

"The answer is Khartoum"Guido revealed, which explains why the candidate's mother fell to the water.

Khartoum is the capital of the African country. It has an area of ​​30000 km² and more than five million inhabitants. Montevideo, the city that María José named in the first place, It is located 10,876.03 km from the Sudanese district.

Other great moments of "burradas" in Guido's programs were those where a girl had to answer an Oscar-winning film and a boy who invented an unusual name for an important political advisor.

As often happens in these cases, social networks picked up the response and several users expressed their indignation. Look at some comments:

In the guidance program:
Guido: Capital of Sudan
Participant: I do not know, I get Montevideo

Hahahahahaha oh na who sees

– Thiago?? (@ ThiagoMotta_8) May 30, 2019

On the Guido program.

-What is the capital of Sudan?

Chau world.

– COCA ? (@OloccoMica) May 30, 2019

The capital of Sudan? MONTEVIDEO diooooooos nails, we deserve to conquer the Belgian Congo

– Bruno Carosella (@brunocarosella) May 30, 2019

-The capital of Sudan
JAJAJA is worse than me in maths

– ? (@caangiordanoe) May 30, 2019

I just saw on television a girl who was asked what was the capital of Sudan and who said Montevideo (?

– Caroline (@caro_otamendi) May 30, 2019

You can not ask the capital of Sudan and tell Montevideo

– Aitor (@AitorCai) May 30, 2019

I just heard that the Guido program mine was saying that the captain of Sudan is Montevideo, please tell me that my former geography teacher did not hear her attack him. #QuePaisGeneroso

– ⓣⓛⓝⓐ (@ Agustinapascua1) May 30, 2019

L. L.

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