He slept with the toilet beak and found himself in the worst case | Chronic


In recent days, a video about an event occurring in the state of Johor, in southern Malaysia, has been viralized on social networks. A teenager tried to bad using the spout of the toilet and ended up in the worst case: the penis stuck. The parents of the miner have warned the authorities that they could remove him with the help of an electric saw.

The identity of the 16-year-old girl was not revealed, but it was possible to know that the child had been locked in the bathroom for an hour to try to get away with it. to get out of his way. However, he went and asked for the help of his parents who heard the calls for help from the bathroom.

Thus, the situation being difficult to solve, his parents asked for help from the firefighters. according to Seniman Idris, the senior officer of the force, the rescuers arrived at the house with a hacksaw, with which they managed to cut a part of the pipe.

Similarly, the procedure involved a considerable effort because the young man's bads had been trapped in a metal tube about 30 millimeters thick that the tool could not pierce. He was therefore transferred to Sultanah Hospital. Once there, the doctors and firefighters managed to release him with the help of a circular electric saw.

"The case has been resolved without major inconvenience thanks to the hospital's experience and the professionalism of the firefighters"Idris, who suggested to residents of the area to seal similar pipes to prevent future incidents Regarding the young man, he added: "He kept the stability at all times, he suffered only a few minor injuries and swelling of the intimate parts"


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