Unusual: Perez Corradi sued cockroaches and suspended the money laundering lawsuit


An unusual situation in Py Comodoro interrupted the trial Ibar Esteban Pérez Corradi, a drug trafficker found guilty of money laundering. When I was about to start the hearing in the AMIA room of federal courts, dozens of badroaches They started going out of the clothes I was wearing.

The court decided to suspend the hearing and sent the medical service to Perez Corradi. The maneuver was conceived by his defense for complain about the conditions in which he is being held at Marcos Paz Prison. However, his lawyer told him TN that the situation was not prepared and that his client was "to get used to living" with insects in the criminal.

"He started coming out of the back, I was walking on his head, He m jumped on it and crushed it with a piece of paper. Immediately more badroaches started coming out of his pants, everywhere, not in the pockets, "said Carlos Broitman about this unexpected scene, denying that Perez Corradi carried insects to repel the public.

The lawyer badured that everything had happened in "three or four minutes" and that he did not count the number of badroaches he was, but he calculated "40 or 50 at least" He had his client all over his body.

Pérez Corradi is subject to the witness protection regime and several times required better conditions of detention, alleging that the other members of this program are more comfortable. Even last year, it appeared that the drug dealer had asked the judge for a new bathroom and that he had privacy to bad.

Your lawyer asked "filming" of the room so that it is possible to prove that the insects have not been "released" by their client. "I asked them to bring an insecticide. It was dantesque. They had to suspend two trials and today, they continued to kill them at another hearing, "added Broitman.

The pharmaceutical entrepreneur was sentenced in December 2018 to two years and five months in prison effective by pbading at least 50 kilograms of ephedrine from China and India through packages shipped between June and July 2008.

It it was the second conviction in less than two months since in November he had been sentenced to seven years in prison to traffic 1900 kilograms of this same substance but to be used as a precursor chemical in the manufacture of synthetic drugs by international traffickers.


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