Argentina is the third worst economy in the world


The crisis generated by Cambiemos is so serious that a ranking that measures the economic competitiveness placed Argentina ranked third in the world. It has only been overtaken by Mongolia and Venezuela.

The "World Ranking of Competitiveness" is established since 1989 by the Swiss Business School IMD Business School. Measures include data such as unemployment, economic growth and public spending on health and education, as well as non-statistical data from a survey of international business leaders on issues such as social cohesion, globalization and corruption.

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Savings were badessed in four categories: economic performance, infrastructure, government effectiveness, and business efficiency. Argentina appeared in 61st place, losing five positions compared to the last edition.

To integrate

Since entering the rankings in 1994, the country has always occupied the last places, from 2002 to 2004 in second place in the least competitive countries. Since then, he has been able to climb under the kirchnerist governments.


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