Patricia Bullrich signed a security contract for Copa America


The Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrichand his colleague from the Justice and Public Security of Brazil, Sergio Moro, today signed a cooperation agreement on the exchange of information for strengthening security at the Copa America, to be held in the neighboring country from 14 June to 7 July.

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The agreement includes the exchange of information on matters such as criminal records and / or convictions observed, being executed or unsigned; Judicial or administrative requirements, warnings, orders and / or requests for capture or detention, including stadium access restrictions and biometric data, informed the press service of the Ministry of Security.

They also consider prohibitions or restrictive measures of entry, permanence, exit or return in signatory countries, expulsion measures or irregular migration situations; pbadports and documents, visas and stamps of entry and exit; information for the search for fugitives, and on crimes, organized criminal groups and their structures, their contacts and their modes of operation, the source added.

"The agreement is comprehensive and we are working on cooperation for the capture of fugitives, joint operations and other issues and we have placed a special section on football safety," Bullrich said.

And, he added, "I will hand over to Minister Moro the 5,000-person database with restrictions on photos, documents and all that Brazil needs to do its work, to which we will collaborate, so that America's Cup grows without violence. "

"Tourists and other supporters will be welcome in Brazil for the Copa América, but we need to strengthen party security by preventing the participation of people who have already participated in acts of violence in the stadiums, which corresponds to a minority the population, "Moro expressed on his part.

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Meanwhile, the Minister of Justice and Human Rights of the Nation Germán Garavano "We have also worked on information sharing, criminal records (not only football related) and extradition proceedings," he said.

The agreement was initialed in the Mounted Police Department of the city of Buenos Aires, where the director of the football security events of the Ministry of National Security was also present. Guillermo Madero; the secretary of the interior Sebastian Garcia de Luca, the national director of international security cooperation Gastón Schulmeisterand the president of Conmebol Alejandro Domínguez.


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