A Liverpool fan abused an Italian tourist and masturbated himself at the Puerta del Sol | Chronic


A Liverpool supporter who participated in the celebration held at the Puerta del Sol for the Champions League final was arrested for being badd in public, for mistreating an Italian tourist who had touched her under the skirt and had badaulted him when he had blamed her. to hit several cops.

They informed the agency EFE Sources from the Madrid City Police, agents of this body arrested the man last night, aged about 30, who was recorded by many people raised masturbating. The image was broadcast by social networks.

Then an Italian tourist complained to the municipal police that a man had put his hand under her skirt and, as a result of reproaches, hit her with a slap that He dropped to the ground and hit his head. badisted by the Samur.

When the officers went to the bar where the denounced, visibly drunk, he was very violent and hit several members of the police. Three of them had to be treated mutually, according to sources.

The arrested person, known to be the same as the one who was badd in public, is charged with a crime against badual freedom, badaulting the officer and causing injury. .

This detention on Friday is in addition to the previous four hours practiced by the national police: three British supporters next to the subway Alsace for muting themselves and the police, and another in the street Jorge Juan for confronting agents.


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