As of this month, the US State Department will impose a new requirement for visa applicants to enter this country: they will be required to provide their user names, their e-mail addresses and their social media phone numbers.
These new control mechanisms which focus on the revision of personal data will be applied by decision of President Donald Trump, from June.
It is estimated that the change, which had already been proposed by Trump in March 2018, will affect about 15 million foreigners who apply for visas, tourism, education and work, to enter the United States each year.
"National security is our number one priority when it comes to application selection – all travelers and potential immigrants to the US are subject to a comprehensive security badessment," the state defense department said. "We are constantly working on finding mechanisms that improve our detection processes to protect US citizens, while supporting legitimate travel in our country," the statement added.
Until now, personal data such as publications and interactions on social networks, e-mails and old telephone lines were only required to candidates who, according to the government of this country could be identified as candidates requiring "further examination", such as "persons who have traveled to areas controlled by terrorist organizations". Now, this will apply to most foreigners who aspire to get the visa. Only those who handle certain types of diplomatic and official permits will be exempt from this type of condition.
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