Who Piñera accuses the slightest growth in Chile in 2019


Chile's President, Sebastián Piñera, said the economy was one of the most anticipated issues in this year's Public Account, trans-Andean responsibility. It did so in a scenario of volatility and international uncertainty and a slowdown in local activity. And he did this by adjusting the GDP growth projection from 3.5% to a range of between 3% and 3.5%.

Piñera made this adjustment after several weeks during which the economic development was discussed and the official projection of the government questioned, according to the newspaper La Tercera.

After the year started with the government estimating GDP growth of 3.8%, it adjusted in April to 3.5%, which at the time was already described as "optimistic" for a good part of the market.

[EN VIVO] # Public account 2019 https://t.co/h9cr4r1IaN

– Sebastian Piñera (@sebastianpinera) June 2, 2019

Yesterday, the trans-Andean leader acknowledged that "this year 2019 will undoubtedly be more difficult and for many reasons". Among these, Piñera listed the external elements that play against the country's activity: "The global economy is weakening and Latin America is facing serious problems. Just see the stagnation of countries like Brazil, the recession that touches Argentina, and the tragedy that goes through Venezuela.But in addition to that, the commercial and technological warfare unleashed between the United States and China, that could continue to grow, had a significant impact on our terms of trade, the price of copper has gone down and the price of oil has gone up. "

However, he also accused the opposition, stressing that the last point making it difficult for the country to grow, "is sometimes too difficult for us to achieve the collaboration needed to carry out the major modernizations and reforms that Chile has an urgent need, in order to strengthen its capacity, capacity for growth and development towards the future ".

Piñera said: "It is time to leave behind obstructionism, and it is time to rediscover this culture of dialogue, agreements.The role of government and opposition is not d & # 39; Try to destroy each other, on the contrary, it is to collaborate, to dialogue, with unity, with good will, of course, each one from his point of view, so that Chile goes well, so that we can improve the quality of life of all our compatriots faster. "

After having contextualized the economic scenario, Piñera declared that "despite all these difficulties, I am convinced that, thanks to the unity and the contribution of all the Chileans, our country will continue to grow, between 3% and 3, 5% – Latin America and defeat the world again. "In addition, he claimed that the economy would create more than 150,000" stable jobs, with contract and social security ", and that wages would increase. He also stressed that investment productivity will continue to grow.


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