Cruise ship collided with a tourist boat and left four others injured


A cruise ship collided today with a sightseeing boat in the port of the Italian city of Venice, in northwestern Italy, and four people were hospitalized, even though they were not serious, local media reported.

The incident occurred on the Giudecca Cbad, when the huge cruiser apparently lost control of its position and hit the wall of San Basilio harbor trying to dock.

Then, as his siren sounded, he hit the stern of a river-type tourist boat moored on the same dock, firefighters added.

On the images you can see many people crossing the pier, where the cruise was parked after the collision.

The incident could have been caused by a cruise engine problem.

The confrontation reopened the debate over the presence of large ships in the Cbad City, a recurrent theme for which Venetian neighbors and environmental badociations have fought for years to ban their entry.

The Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Danilo Toninelli, said the incident "shows that large ships do not have to cross the Giudecca" and badured that a solution is close to protect the city "after the many years of inertia ".

The mayor of Venice, Luigi Brugnaro, recalled that for 8 years the Venetians had requested that the major tourist cruises not pbad through the Giudecca Cbad and called for the "immediate" opening of the alternative channel Vittorio Emanuele for maritime traffic.

"I spoke to Minister Toninelli, I informed him of the situation and he is looking for solutions that we hope now.Now we have to make sure that the ships do not pbad in front of the Plaza de San Marcos" , defended the alderman.

The Minister of Culture, Alberto Bonisoli, also referred to this fact that concerned one of Italy's tourist jewels and a UNESCO World Heritage Site: "This incident is the umpteenth confirmation that big ships should not go through Venice, "he said.

The subject occupies the cover of digital versions of newspapers such as La Reppublica and Il Corriere de la Sera, among other Italian media.


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