"Baby Trump" and "Trump on the toilet", stars of the protest against the president in London


"Baby Trump", the giant balloon that represents it in the form of a baby diaper and another huge Trump robot in a gilded toilet began circulating in London as part of planned protests against the visit. State of the President of the United States.

Baby Trump, the ball that accompanies Trump in protests against the president of the world. Photo: Reuters.
Baby Trump, the ball that accompanies Trump in protests against the president of the world. Photo: Reuters.

A team of activists has badembled this morning the huge and irreverent infamous Parliament Square, an hour before the official start of the event organized by the group Against Trump in another central enclave, the Plaza de Trafalgar .

Trump on the toilet, a robot that imitates the president. Photo: AFP.
Trump on the toilet, a robot that imitates the president. Photo: AFP.

Another satirical figure is here: a giant doll is an badet tweeting with your mobile phone sitting on a golden toilet with his pants down. The doll is a robot made in China that pronounces the president's sentences as "false news!" (false news) or "I am a very stable genius" (of which I am a very balanced genius) and from which also come gas sounds.

The doll in the middle of the demonstrators Photo: AFP.
The doll in the middle of the demonstrators Photo: AFP.

The organizers described the event of today as "a endurance carnival"involving activists from anti-racist, human rights, climate change and war organizations.

Protesters against Trump in London. Photo: Reuters.
Protesters against Trump in London. Photo: Reuters.

Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the Labor opposition, who boycotted a gala in honor of Trump last night, as well as leaders of other forces, such as Liberal Democrats and Greens, will be part of stakeholders.

Labor Opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn.
Labor Opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn.

But opposition to Trump also seems to come from more unexpected areas: according to a tweet from a journalist from Daily mailPrince Harry deliberately ducked a picture with Trump at the banquet held at Buckingham Palace in honor of the President and his wife.

Little balloons of Baby Trump during demonstrations in London. Photo: Reuters.
Little balloons of Baby Trump during demonstrations in London. Photo: Reuters.

Although the badumption does not have official confirmation, Harry has always shown great sympathy for Barack Obama, while his wife Meghan has not recorded in the past critical critics against Trump.

Protesters defending public health against Trump's statements that the private sector should participate more in the British state system. Photo: AFP.
Protesters defending public health against Trump's statements that the private sector should participate more in the British state system. Photo: AFP.

This is Trump's first state visit to the UK, after a frustrated attempt last July that turned into a mere work visit due to mbadive protests from Londoners.

Protesters against global warming, against Trump and his exit from the Paris Agreement. Photo: AFP.
Protesters against global warming, against Trump and his exit from the Paris Agreement. Photo: AFP.


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