Unusual: Multó a woman for driving in the street with excessive beauty


It was in Paysandú, Uruguay. The traffic inspector has also stamped a "Like you".

Harbadment or A transit agent of the Uruguayan city of Paysandú fined "circulating with excessive beauty on public roads ".

The unusual ballot that included a "I like you" sounded the alarm among the inspector's superiors in the book of offenses that he wrote: "Imprudence to drive (he circulates with excessive beauty on public roads).

The photo of the fine was broadcast by the local El Telégrafo press via its Facebook account. The paper shows the description of the vehicle, the address where "the offense" was committed and the date. Once on social networks, the post quickly became viral and people started to refer to the author of the fine as "love inspector".

The unusual ballot that deserved an administrative inquiry took place on May 25. That day, the woman left her car parked in front of the emergency department.

Before the repercussion that the episode has had, The intendancy of Paysandú initiated a summary for the use of a public document without permission and for unforeseen purposes.

Although he continues to hold this position, the agent could be subject to a temporary suspension or even be relieved of his duties and receive the pbad to another municipal division.

As reported the transit director of the commune Leonardo Rivero at the portal Ecos Uruguay, it was taken into account in the summary that the inspector, fort of more than 20 years of work to the direction of the traffic of intellectual property, had already previous sanction for having had "an incident with a supervisor".

"This goes beyond the joke that can result, it relies on the serious use of a public document," Rivero said.


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