The Book Fair consolidates its success and takes over Rosario


The International Book Fair continues to attract thousands of residents of Rosario to the Fontanarrosa Cultural Center. Yesterday was a special day to visit the stands, while the clouds and cold made the visit of the Plaza Montenegro building an ideal project. There were book signings, shows on the esplanade and the possibility of continuing to visit a meeting that retraces its second consecutive opportunity until June 10.

From the basement to the third floor, in addition to the cultural center esplanade, activities lasted throughout the afternoon and today, there will also be a busy agenda to ensure continuity an appointment that arouses good reactions.

Towards 1 pm, the Roberto Fontanarrosa Cultural Center opened its doors at around 1 pm. The stands could be quiet until around 4 pm when more people started arriving.

The cloudy and cool weather has seen many families who have entered the Book Fair or have taken the opportunity to enjoy the shows held during the afternoon on the esplanade of the building. Many used the chairs arranged by the municipality in the vicinity.

After 16 years, the mezzanine of the cultural center of Plaza Montenegro was full of people eager to find new readings or try to find outstanding books.

There was also a lot of activity on the ground floor, with booths offering book combinations at a very good price and publications from Rosario publishers to get to know the local pens.

The boys also had an important role to play, like during the whole weekend: in the tribunes of all the stages of Fontanarrosa, one wandered and stirred various readings to bring back to the house.

To this have been added the activities proposed by the space for infants. Yesterday, Sunday, we presented books throughout the afternoon devoted to children's literature and to young people, as well as a show at 16 years in tribute to María Elena Walsh on the 39th. esplanade of the cultural center.

The continuity

Activities will continue today and will be extended for one week. In addition, the doors will open at 9 am in the cultural center and close at 9 pm

In the early hours, the magic will occupy room C, from 14 hours, when the meeting will take place "Harry Potter, fantastic animals and cannon". There will be several exhibitors, public participation and draws.

Then the first main course of the afternoon will be the one that organizes, in Room A from 15:30, the Municipal Institute of Women with the presentation of "A city in the tide, 30 years of public policies in favor of gender equality ".

At age 17, in Room A, there will be a poetry table with Julieta Lopérgolo, Nara Manzur Cao, Martín Roda and Javier Roldán, coordinated by Alejandra Méndez Bujonok and organized by the Argentine Library. In parallel, in Room B, will be presented "At the end of the world", a compilation of Mónica Bernabé of UNR Editora. Presents María Fernanda Alle.

Already around 18:30, Beatriz Vignoli and Rubén Echagüe will present Sebastián Riestra's "The Duplicated Death".

The closing of the presentations will be with "Bombo, the Mario Santucho reappeared", deputies Carlos del Frade and Sabrina Gullino. From the 18th, Room C will be the main stage of space for infants. First of all, the publication n ° 7 of the magazine "Aquelarre" will be presented for children and young people; then, from the age of 19, there will be a workshop "Say to children" which will be an open clbad of oral storytelling for adults. This last activity is limited and will be given according to the order of arrival.


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