Britain sees provocation as Argenitna chess tournament in Falkland Islands


The Malvinas Legislative Assembly also officially protested to the International Chess Federation (FIDE) "For the diplomatic provocation" from Argentina after playing a "clandestine" chess tournament at Puerto Argentino (Port Stanley for the English).

In this regard, the FEC warned that it is "the chess administrator of the British Overseas Territories who is not a full member of FIDE", and "Unacceptable" what happened.

Barry Elsbi and Mark Pollard, members of the Malvinas' Legislative Assembly, described the completion of the tournament as "deeply disturbing" and warned Argentina that "You should not mix politics and failures".

What happened had an impact on the British press and the newspaper The weather took the topic with a significant development under the title "The new gambit of Argentina".

The controversy began when the Argentinian Chess Federation (FADA) tried to validate this tournament in the international ranking (ELO), which provoked the British reaction. At that time, the British press wondered if, in the promotion of the tournament, the name of Puerto Argentino was used to define the place where it had been developed in place of Stanley Port.


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