"Bolsonaro, your hate is not welcome here" | Organi …


Human rights organizations, social movements and politicians have rejected the visit of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, a loyal supporter of the dictatorship, who has liberalized the carrying of arms and cut rights in the past. first five months of his stay at Plbadto Palace. The widespread discontent has been condensed into the mobilization "your hate is not welcome here", which will take place Thursday at 6 pm on the Plaza de Mayo with a music festival, after the meeting that will keep the audience going. Ultra right with his Argentinian counterpart, Mauricio Macri as part of a state visit. "Apart from Bolsonaro and the fascism of Argentina and Latin America," they stressed.

The mothers of the founding line of the Plaza de Mayo, the Left Front and the workers, the collective Ni una menos and the CTA Autónoma, among other organizations, called walking from Avenida de Mayo and 9 de Julio in the Plaza against the policies in force implement the former reserve captain in his country, on the one hand, but also to denounce the fact that Macri seeks to ally himself with the l & # 39; extreme right to reproduce in Argentina the anti-right and neoliberal measures of the Brazilian president. "Fill in the May Square to say that Bolsonaro, is not welcome, externally, because you are not the one who represents human rights," he said. said Taty Almeida.

At the same time, Amnesty International has written to Macri to share a series of "important human rights concerns in the neighboring country" and hopes that their talks will be given priority. . In the long text, they recommended to the president to take into account that "toxic words and rhetoric have already been translated into concrete measures in Brazil".

With this in mind, they emphasized the decisions that "undermine the rights to truth, justice and reparation of the victims" of crimes against humanity committed during the military regime, in addition to a "rhetoric hostile to human rights "" this stimulates the proliferation of hate speech, polarizes society and could legitimize various human rights violations ". They also questioned the president's decrees aimed at easing possession and possession of weapons, as they "undermine the guarantees of the right to life and may contribute to an increase in the number of homicides. in Brazil".

Bolsonaro will stay less than 24 hours in Buenos Aires. According to the agenda, the far right will leave at 6:50 from Brasilia to Buenos Aires, where it will arrive at 10:10. President Macri will meet in the House of Goverments at 11 am, with whom he will hold a private meeting and then make a joint statement to the press. The next day, very early in the morning, he will return to Brazil.

The FIT denounced the fact that at this meeting, Bolsonaro "will meet with Macri to strengthen the policies of repression, adjustment and surrender to the IMF". "They are hate and we have, we resist, we will continue to plots of the affection and our desires.We see on the square", reinforced by the NUM feminist collective, who organized a show with the artists Shirlene Oliveira, Kris Alaniz, Valdi Silva, among others to accompany the mobilization.


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