Safe but stunned, they save a woman in the high peaks | Chronic


An injured woman was rescued dramatically this Tuesday in the Phoenix, Arizona mountains, when a helicopter came to the aid of the woman who had been injured in the face and head when she fell. during a field visit.

The Phoenix fire department sent the ship to evacuate the 74-year-old woman, but the operation did not take place as planned because when he was placed on a basket-type rescue stretcher, he started to move in the helicopter. then turn by the wind from the rotation of the helicopter.

Later, the fire department explained that the operation was complicated because one of the mechanisms to prevent the rotation of the stretcher was broken. The speed of movement increased as the cart approached the plane, but the helicopter personnel finally managed to hold it up to where the aircraft was coming from. 39, ambulance waited.

The woman was hospitalized and stable and had no adverse effects of turning, with the exception of mild dizziness and nausea.


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