Inspector fines woman for driving with excessive beauty


June 4, 2019
– 13:06

This happened in the Paraguayan town of Paysandú. The man was summarily judged and could lose his job

A transit agent of the Paraguayan city of Paysandu stopped a car and fined a driver. But the surprise was taken by his superiors and the woman when they saw that the inspector had written: "Imprudence in the handling (it circulates with excess of beauty by the public way) ".

In the diary turned viral, which exceeded 3,500 shares, the description of the vehicle and the address where the alleged offense had been committed on May 25 in the afternoon are observed. But as if that was not enough, he added a "I like you" underneath.


The officer finished his duties on the public highway and returned to his office. At that time, his bosses discovered what he had written in one of the fines he had inflicted that day.


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Due to the fact, the worker was summarily for the use of a public document without permission and for unforeseen reasons and could be subject to a temporary suspension or even be relieved of their duties.

In the social networks, there were people in favor and others against: on the one hand, they defined the agent who inflicted the fine as being the "love inspector"; although others have questioned and criticized his precedent.


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