#KuToo: The Japanese are planted in front of the government not to take tacos at work


"We were told that it was the first time that an application like this reaches the department, it's the first step." The actress and feminist writer Yumi Ishikawa, 32, has launched a historic and revolutionary movement in Japan. #KuToo, who drinks from the influence of the viral movement against badual harbadment and abuse at work #MeToo, denounces with a play on words (Kutsu, which means shoe and kutsuu, painthe explicit obligation of many Japanese companies that force women to wear shoes with a tail to exercise his professional activity. "We submitted a prohibition application, considering that it was an accident." discrimination and badual harbadment", Explained the activist during his appearance before the press after the official meeting with members of the Ministry of Labor.

The move was born in January, with a tweet from Ishikawa himself that quickly became viral and was shared up to 30,000 times. He denounced having been forced to get rid of a career opportunity after having had the difficulty of enduring an eight-hour work day in tacos during a test for a position in a hotel. The visibility and support received then encouraged him to create a petition on the Change.org platform inviting the Japanese government to regulate this type of situation through a specific law. At the time of writing this article, the petition has more than 24,000 signatures.

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– 優 実 @ # KuToo 署名 中 ?? (@ishikawa_yumi) January 24, 2019

"I only want my right to to work without sufferingas do men, "he then wrote in another tweet.Now, after meeting with ministry members, he defended that even one of the women who worked in the agency" had sympathized with the demand. "And he recalled the need for awareness in the matter:" Women do not even realize that they run a risk and harm themselves, because this imposition of style is deeply rooted in the culture of work "(…) this situation more seriously," he insisted to the press.

Under Twitter and Instagram, thousands of messages are added to the viral complaint under the #KuToo label, many of them accompanying images of the chaos caused by having to endure such shoes for as many days. Onions, redness, irritation and sores. A situation that threatens the prevention and protection against the occupational hazards of workers.

This is not the first time that a complaint of this type generates movement and social change. Although in the Japanese case, the government has not yet ruled on a resolution, Nicole Thorp received a similar request in 2016 for the debate to be submitted to the UK parliament, which accepted her proposal, signed by more than 150,000 people, with whom he denounced this project. condition after being sent home the first day of work at the reception of the company PwC not to wear shoes adapted to their standards (they imposed a flock of more than five centimeters).

The problem of badist clothes in the environment the work that determines how women dress, comb or apply makeup with much more rigidity than men does not seem to be over when just two days ago announced the new product. a Russian metallurgical company that awards a bonus to all these workers They came to their workplace "with a skirt" (at least five centimeters below the knee) and a "discreet makeup".

Other media accusations over the taco's mandate are pbaded through the red carpets, with actresses like Julia Roberts or Kristen Stewart posing barefoot on the red carpet of Cannes to rebel against the strict label of the festival which, in 2015, had prevented a group of women over 50 years of age from having an act of showing off to wear flat shoes – which they did , also for medical reasons.

A situation of inequality that Stewart denounced aloud at the presentation of Café Society: "Things have to change immediately.It became very obvious.If a man and I take the carpet red and that they stop me, they say to me "excuse me, miss, but you do not wear tacos and you can not enter", I would say "my friend either". that it should take them? It can work both ways.You can not ask me something that you will not ask him.I understand that there is a label but it should be open and be able to go with or without heels ".

Yumi Ishikawa, the Japanese activist driving #KuToo. Photo: Reuters.
Yumi Ishikawa, the Japanese activist driving #KuToo. Photo: Reuters.


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