Macri receives Bolsonaro in Argentina and a group goes to Casa Rosada to repudiate him


President Mauricio Macri will receive this morning his partner from Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, at Casa Rosada during her first visit to State in Argentina Since taking office on 1 January, Plbadto's palace manager will reach Balcarce 50 around 11 am and, after official greetings, will make a statement to the press with Macri at White room.

According to sources of presidency, the two leaders will discuss the details of the last part of the negotiations that have been conducted for Mercosur and the European Union to reach a delayed free trade agreement.

A goal of the campaign will also be to examine the situation in Venezuela, a question that will be addressed by Argentine and Brazilian leaders who, as members of the Lima group, share the position of not recognizing Nicolás Maduro as Head of State. from this country. country and support Juan Guaidó as president in charge.


Lula da Silva, a stone's throw from freedom

The two leaders come to protest in Argentina and Brazil. Macri called the strike by the CGT, while BolsonaroAlthough he took office last January, he had already organized mbadive marches against him in various cities in Brazil.

In parallel, a demonstration of social, political and trade union organizations will be held in front of the government headquarters, in Plaza de Mayo, to reject the visit of the head of the Brazilian state, who will also broadcast the slogan via social networks. "#ArgentinaRechazaBolsonaro".

The encounter between Macri and Bolsonaro It will focus on "strengthening the economic fraternity between Brazil and Argentina, based on the signing of a treaty between the European Union and Mercosur", which will contribute to "l & rsquo; Expansion of Mercosur, as well as that of the European Group, "he said. a few days ago the spokesman of the government of the neighboring country, Otavio Rego Barros.

In addition, they will sign cooperation agreements in the areas of defense, nuclear and judicial development, in addition to the consolidation of Mercosur and the possibility of deepening the recently created Prosur, a block of countries of the world. 39; South America that Argentina and Brazil seek to prioritize after the withdrawal of Unasur.

After meeting with Macri, Bolsonaro will hold a meeting with Senate representatives in the Eva Perón room, then will do the same with the judicial authorities.


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