Japanese Labor Minister Ruled "Professionally Necessary" That Women Wear High-Heeled Shoes


In the war against spiked shoes In the work declared by Japanese feminists, the Japanese government has already taken sides. The Minister of Health, Labor and Social Affairs Wednesday defended the companies that impose this type of shoes to their employees.

"It's something that socially accepted and that goes into what is professionally necessary and appropriate"Minister Takumi Nemoto told a parliamentary commission.

The Minister of Labor, Takumi Nemoto. Photo: AFP.
The Minister of Labor, Takumi Nemoto. Photo: AFP.

Nemoto responded to a petition presented to the government on Tuesday by women demanding the end of the requirement to wear high-heeled shoes at work.

Yumi Ishikawa, the Japanese activist who drives the #KuToo, after meeting with representatives of the Japanese Ministry of Labor. Photo: AFP.
Yumi Ishikawa, the Japanese activist who drives the #KuToo, after meeting with representatives of the Japanese Ministry of Labor. Photo: AFP.

The campaign, called #KuToo -a play on words between the words & # 39;Kutsu& # 39; (shoe) & & # 39;Kutsuu& # 39; (pain), refers to the movement against #MeToo badual abuse.

The movement was launched by actress Yumi Ishikawa, who called the dress code of some companies to "discrimination and badual harbadment" and got the support of at least 24,000 people in an internet petition.

"I only want my right to to work without suffering, how do men do", said the activist in a tweet last January.


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